Saturday, July 10, 2010

Adventure is Out There!


Evelyn is EVERYWHERE!  She can crawl, stand, scoot, and even stand for a few seconds now.  One thing she isn’t lacking in the slightest is personality.  She loves to explore and interact and make funny faces. 

Today, she grabbed the nipple of a bottle of water she had and it sprayed her in the face.  She was stunned, then she smiled really big and tried to do it again.

I love how happy she is to explore!  It makes me feel like my baby feels very safe and happy.  True, on teething days she clings to me for comfort.  But I like having her depend on me.  She is growing up so fast and I’m so proud of her already.

I want a big family, but I am beginning to think twice about how many of them will be biological children of mine, or even children of mine.  Evelyn will soon be able to walk and go on adventures with Doc and I.

Pregnancy is wonderful.  Newborns are wonderful.  But I don’t think I realized how much of your life is frozen when you are pregnant.  I don’t think I’m quite ready to hang out on the sidelines of cycling, hiking, camping, rafting, etc. again just yet. 

For now, I am just excited to have Evelyn and the opportunity to show her the world. 

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