Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pamper Yourself With What is in Your Kitchen

Craving a little self-love?  Being stuck inside again after such beautiful 70 degree days, I’m feeling a bit frumpy.  So I’ve decided to throw a little all-natural pampering into my weekend.  Last week was particularly hard on our family.  Doc worked more than usual and with his commute tied in, he barely saw Little Bird most days.  Our school now has longer days, so I spend several more hours at work last week.  Trying to make the most of the time I did have at home with my family, I felt very run down when I woke up this morning.  So, it’s time to recharge!

Here are a few ways to make yourself a Spa Day at home.

I suggest making your “at home pampering” supplies first, then lighting candles, listening to soothing music, and spending a little bit of time relaxing and taking care of yourself.

If your cuticles dry out easily, this is a remedy I love.  Try warming olive oil (vegetable oil works as well) in a bowl in the microwave for a few seconds. I normally start with 5 seconds on the microwave and then see if it needs more.  Hot oil burns. Then soak hands and fingertips in the warm (not hot) oil.  For those of you who wash your hands a lot or use drying agents like hand sanitizer, this is a great way to restore moisture to your hands!

Dry Skin Scrub – many of us love those expensive store bought scrubs that leave our skin feeling silky and shining.  You can make them at home easily using sugar!  This website has a wonderfully easy recipe using sugar, olive oil, and lemon juice (optional).

If your hair is craving a little TLC, try mashing up bananas!  Bananas will leave your hair full of volume and feeling incredibly silky.  It just takes FOREVER to get out!

Face Masks:

Dry Skin – smash an avocado, put it on our face, wait 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, then flush with cold.

Oily Skin – Mix oatmeal and baking soda with water to make a paste, then apply on face and rub gently.

Acne – Rub egg yolk on your face, allow to dry, then rinse with hot water, then flush with cold.  For variations on this you can look here.  I tried adding honey and loved it.

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