1. Verbal/Linguistic- reading, writing, speaking, word play, spelling, grammar, etc.
2. Visual/Spatial – understanding space and how things fit in it, think of puzzles, tetris, building things, blueprinting, etc.
3. Logical/Mathematical – number reasoning and manipulation, adding/subtracting, computing, etc.
4. Intrapersonal – knowledge of self and self-awareness
5. Interpersonal – intelligence in working with others, empathy, relating to others, social skills
6. Bodily/Kinesthetic – coordination through movement, skilled at gross and/or fine motor skill activities.
7. Musical – understanding tone and its qualities, the ability to think abstractly musically, sense of rhythm, etc.
8. Naturalist – familiarity with nature, species of plants and animals, understanding of interrelationships of living and non-living cycles within the earth
9.* Technological – understanding of technology, interfaces, computer functions, etc (formerly considered logical/mathematical but moved to it’s own category after technology became such a dominate part of life)
I’ve decided that we are going to spend time each day helping Little Bird construct different types of “smart”. Most people have a few that dominate their life. You can take a test to find out your leading intelligences here. There are 40 questions but it gives you a nice chart at the end.
My leading intelligence was Naturalistic, followed closely by Linguistic and Interpersonal. My lowest were Visual/Spatial and Intrapersonal. This doesn’t mean that I am only intelligent in the areas I scored highest in, it just means those are dominant. So if you love logic problems and math but score low there, that doesn’t mean you are dumb at math

I did your test! It was cute. I scored the lowest in naturalistic which is ironic since I have a degree in Environmental Science and practice it daily. Don't tell my future employers!