To make my daughter's food, I use to So Easy Baby Food Book. It comes with a guide for picking out fruits and vegetables, as well as instructions for each type of baby food you can make and when it's best to introduce the foods to your little one. Today, I made carrots and acorn squash. Squash and carrots are not in full season yet, so they are not available at the farmer's market. So I went to my grocery store and bought 1 acorn squash and a bag of frozen carrots. I always opt for frozen if a vegetable is not in season. They don't have a high fructose corn syrup or other additive bath before eating.

I also use ice cube trays with covers from So Easy Baby Food to freeze my baby food. I like them because the covers fit perfectly! This is something you can register for at Babys R Us if you are expecting, or pick up there as well!
For most baby foods, you need a microwave (or pot if you are a stove lover like I am), spoon, blender or food processor, water, and ice cube trays.
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