You know how it goes. You see some lady standing or sitting out in public with a blanket over one shoulder. You think "weird." Then you see little feet sticking out of one end of that blanket. Oh. She's holding a baby. That's nice. And then it happens. Whether you can hear gulping and sucking noises or you suddenly recognize where that babies head must be, you know. That. Woman. Is. Breastfeeding. In public! Omg! It's so unsanitary....
Ok. Really? Where would you like me to nurse? The bathroom? Do you eat in the bathroom? Screw off!
I would just like to say that it took me 4 months to work up the guts to nurse in public thanks to people who go through the thought process above. Now that I've finally stopped freaking out about it, my life is so much better! Want to go out to eat? Totally! And I won't worry about whether or not Evelyn might get hungry because I can feed her there! It's wonderful! I don't have to drag a pump, bottle, etc. with me all the time! I just need a little blanket!
Places I have now nursed in public:
The Tulsa Zoo
Pei Wei
I-40 Arkansas Welcome Center
Cherokee Nation Travel Center
and my list will keep growing.
I'm not trying to offend people. I'm feeding my baby. It's covered up, it's a natural bodily function, and I'm gonna keep doing it. We need to change our attitude about breastfeeding, especially men's attitudes. Maybe then fewer women will feel so self conscious.