Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Parent’s Job

Teaching comes with many “extras”.  You are not only a teacher for your students.  This is one of the most rewarding and exhausting aspects of my career.  I love each and every single student despite any behavioral difficulties they may have.  The training we receive before we graduate with degrees in education helps us understand the “why” behind behavior issues so we can approach them as a problem to solve instead of seeing the student 1January as “bad”.  Every student matters - and I tell them that everyday.  I utilize the resources available to me to make sure that they receive whatever support and services I can help them acquire so they can be successful.  Yet there are still many parents that amaze me. 

I think about my deep love for my daughter.  Every single decision I have made since her conception has been with her best interest in mind.  My job is to love and protect her.  To nurture and foster in her a confident young woman.  To teach her about the world she was born into so that she can make informed decisions later in her life.  I will strive to always meet her needs.  7JulyI cannot imagine how any parent could view their child differently.  How can anyone not want to do all of those things for their child?  Is it truly possible for people to not care?

The part of me that believes in the good in people has to believe that all parents want that, but are simply human and fall from grace occasionally.  Perhaps I simply am sitting in a seat where the falls are more visible.   I try to remember that when my students tell me of their home lives or I come into contact with parents who seem to have overlooked the best interest in their child.  I have to believe that there is something truly wrong with a parent who is permanently fallen from grace, for no one in their right mind could truly be so disregarding.

So I’ve been thinking a lot lately – what is a parent’s true job?  Do people have such different ideas about it?  If you had to write an add for parents, what would your “PARENTS WANTED” job description entail?


  1. Honestly, I'd write just what you wrote about Evelyn. Not every parent or person is as mature as you are. Ever watch Teen Mom? lol Most of the time, they have good intentions. But as they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. I think its really something that is passed down from generation to generation. Its not an excuse, but I think that's just how it is. And it sucks. But I truly believe that's why there are teachers like you in this world. :)

  2. I agree with Bethany. I would also say that its a constant battle for a parent to step back and stop being selfish. For some, they just don't do that. When you aren't giving the best effort in everything for your child, a lot of times it seems to stem from something that makes your life easier. I struggle with that, too. I have to step back and remind myself that what I want doesn't matter in the situation. What matters is what's best for my kiddo. I remember a little of what you're feeling from just my long term subbing job. One student came into my room during her first period to avoid her mother. That's how much trouble they had. The office told me to keep her there with me, no harm no foul. It makes you realize that not everyone lives a picturesque life, even sometimes, and it can greatly affect their whole life. Problems or no problems, a parent has to be able to cope with them and know that there's something much more important they need to do.
